Monday, November 7, 2011

What I Have Learned So Far...

One of the biggest topics we've covered this year has been all about the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. We broke it down line by line to figure out the true meaning behind it and why it is considered a different story for any reader. We unraveled the context of Shakespeare's language and read in between the lines to determine how details such as tone, style, and irony could create such a dramatic plot line. Because there are so many interpretations of what the true meaning behind the play is, I found two different cartoon versions to help demonstrate different views.

Veggietales is a kids program that focuses on values and virtues. It took the lighter route and put a silly touch on the story. Their rendition is called Omelet and although it is vaguely similar to the real version, it tries to bring out a good side of the story.

Another version that stays closer to the actual events is The Simpsons. Their take focuses on the main action points of the play but puts their own usage of comedy for a more entertaining look.

Hamlet was definitely a great story full of dramatic events and having it in mind for future reference will always be resourceful.

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